Wednesday, July 31, 2019

International Student Organization

International student organization. East Carolina University is a university with enrollment around 30,000 students; 299 of them is international students from 67 countries. When students choose to attend the university; they begin a new part of life. Many students go to study in other cities, and some students go to other countries. America is a very popular and high-class education that is valued all over the world, and of course a lot of students from other countries want to get a degree here.People in different countries behave differently: religion, ethnicity, geographic location and quality of life plays an important role in the behavior of people. Therefore, students that come to America from other countries have more difficulty than those who were born and raced here. Foreign students need time to adjust to a different culture, a different language, and many other things.A possible way for international student to deal with the complexities of ECU joins the International Stud ent Organization (ISA). The ISA help international students understand American culture and feel more like at home by having festivals, shopping and field trips and a lot of different events. The ISA , one of over 200 student organizations at ECU, is mostly composed of foreign exchange students, or students who were not born in America although. The meetings and club are open to anyone who wants to join.The main reason it was setup was to give international students an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the American culture in part through a campus experience, and also to offer non-international ECU students, with an interest in one cultures, knowledge and experience in working with individuals from other backgrounds. It also allows international and American students to share experience and learn about other cultures at personal point of view.The ISA cooperating with International House provides a special orientation for international students through the â€Å"First f riend program† (FFP) so that new students do not feel lonely. International Ports O’Call stage of PirateFest The International student organization was involved in many activities and events. One of the biggest events in which ISA was involved in was the Pirate festival. PirateFest gives international students a chance to share their culture to help others understand them etter. This â€Å"annual event celebrates eastern North Carolina's rich history steeped with famous pirates, including the infamous Blackbeard and Greenville's own Pirates of ECU† (Mike Davis), and encourages people to wear pirate regalia-hats, swords, and eye patches. The festival is held over two days and is composed of different stages, each of which represents a different event. The event feature food, art and crafts vendors and also musical and stage performers.Historical trolley tours stage is a very useful and interesting part of the festival because it's a great way to move around the fe stival especially for international students who do not know the location of streets in the city. One of the most interesting stages for international students was the â€Å"International Ports O'Call† because includes music, food, and attractions from nations around the world, and it will definitely help international students to feel more like at home and make it hard to forget about their culture.For international students who are coming to study in another country it is hard to find friends. It is not easy to get used to the different behavior of people and be open to new acquaintances. Therefore, and in cooperation with ISA the international house created the program called â€Å"First friend program†(FFP). To be involved in FFP both mentor and mentee must fill out an application, which has questions that help determine the background, interests, preferences and other information needed to help decide the best mentee-mentee match.The FFP is really easy because by filling out an application you know that you'll meet someone who has same interests as you. The FFP helps international students to adjust to life at ECU as quickly and smoothly as possible, and also enhance satisfaction with their academic and social experience. This program is very useful for students because they will not feel lonely and homesick, they are able to meet new friends and also international students can learn the nuances of culture from the inside, as well as be more successful in learning.Besides homework, tests and grades, a student social life is fun, but it is not always easy to find entertainment that are always enjoy. Many international students don't have a car and therefore their possibilities are limited, but the international house â€Å"every Friday makes shopping trips†(William Mallett). Drivers take students where they want to go and take them back to residence after shopping. Also every Thursday students can go to greenway excursions. Playing sp orts and socializing in the fresh air, very useful and at the same time you can see new parts of the city as well as make new friends.Most people believe that studying in a different country is a privilege because they are able to experience other cultures, and learn from them. However, in the United States it is not as good as they thought because International students have much more pressure being in this country, and sometimes they cannot handle it very well. Therefore, in the United States the life of an international student is very unfavorable if people compare it to the life of an American student.International students have to learn a new language to study, they cannot work while studying, and their tuition is much more expensive. When people moves to the United Stated to study they imagine that it will be very helpful, and they believe that learning a new language will not be a problem. However, when they really start studying their major, they find out that it is not easy since people have to really understand and appreciate the language. International students have to really learn English, and they have to know how to write it in order to have success.Also, for them to have success in university they have to participate in class, and analyze an amount of readings, and because they are international students, it is very difficult to achieve since they believe that Americans are going to laugh at them or make jokes of them if they say something incorrectly. For example, some Americans do not realize sometimes how hard is for international students being in a different country, with different people, learning a new language, and experiencing different cultures, so some of them do not really appreciate the effort that international students put on being in the United States.It’s way more pressure for international students. They have to have good grades and work as hard as possible, because if not people back home going to put a lot of shame on them and their parents. Studying in different country it is always competition for international students, but if students choose right University where people care about international students and trying to help it shouldn’t be that hard.International student organization definitely helps students from other countries feel more comfortable and less homesick, so they can you do best in classes to compete with other student on the same level. Work cited. Mike,Davis. â€Å"Arrrgh you ready for Pirate Fest? † East Carolinian, 12 April 2012 . Web. 1 November. Mallet,William â€Å"International Student Organization. † 30 october. 2012 [email  protected] edu Personal page Office of International Affairs www. ecu. edu/intlaffairs/

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Eastboro Machine Tools Corporation Essay

Our main concern with Eastboro is their current dividend policy. With their current 40% dividend payout ratio, they will have to continue to borrow money to pay their dividend until the end of 2006. In 2007, they finally see an excess of cash after the dividend. With this current ratio, Eastboro’s hope to expand more in the international market is very restrained. Since management does not like to take on debt, they theoretically won’t expand until 2007. However, with the recent restructuring of the company and recommendation of a name change, we feel that the dividend policy needs a make-over, as well. Management wants to focus their energy to moving the image of the company to more of a growth company as opposed to a high dividend paying mature company. To obtain this image, the dividend payout ratio needs to be lowered drastically to a payout ratio of 10%. With this decrease in the payout, the new Eastboro Advanced Systems International (EASI) will convince shareholders of their change to a growth company. Switching to a 10% payout ratio allows Eastboro to see excess cash by 2004, rather than 2007 with the current ratio, giving them the ability to fund the international growth sooner. This will also attract new investors, which in the short-term will offset the expected loss of some current shareholders. We feel that this change will help increase the value of the company and the upside will, in the future, outweigh the downside. The idea behind reducing the payout to 10% is that EASI will be able to  consistently reach this target. At the end of each year, after all projects have been funded, EASI will be able to issue a special dividend to shareholders. With this ability, Eastboro will not have a problem retaining the shareholders or obtaining new shareholders. The recent attack on September 11, 2001 has caused the market to see some low results. Since the stock price has fallen from $30 to $22.15, this would be a good opportunity for EASI to repurchase some stock to help increase the value to the shareholders. Repurchasing some stock at this point will signal to shareholders that management feels strongly about the restructuring of the company. This, also, will give the shareholders the confidence to remain with the company. RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend that Eastboro change their name to Eastboro Advanced Systems International, Inc. to introduce the company as heading in the new direction of becoming a more technology advanced company. We also recommend reducing the dividend payout to 10%, as well as the repurchase of stock at the current price to help increase value. This will reduce the company’s dependency on borrowed funds, reducing the forecasted loss of the company and making them more profitable in shorter time period. This will give them increased cash flows to reinvest in CAD/CAM research to keep the company on the leading edge of advancement of their Artificial Workforce and related products at home and abroad. Along with the change in company dividend payout policy, a statement should be issued to inform the stockholders of the company’s direction and the continued importance to improve the company’s CAD/CAM products. To maximize shareholder wealth, we will be sticking to a 10% dividend in the future with the possibility of special dividends. With these changes, Eastboro will be signaling their focus on becoming a high growth stock. CRITIQUE Overall group five did a very good job addressing the major issues in this  case. They tackled the issues of the dividend policy, the proposed name change for Eastboro, and whether or not to buy back shares of stock. We agree with much of their analysis and recommendations. By lowering the dividend policy to 15%, they are allowing a larger portion of funds to be used for future research and development, an idea we agree with. By cutting this percentage back from a current rate of 40%, there will obviously be a reaction by both current and prospective stockholders. By approving the name change to Eastboro Advanced Systems International, they are signaling to the street that they are committed to future growth, and will no longer be able to be relied upon for high dividend payouts. We also like the fact that they did a dividend valuation, showing that Eastboro is currently under-valued, and does have a strong future. The only major issue we have with their analysis is a couple mistakes in the data they used. In reporting net income for 2001 in their forecasts for potential dividend payouts, they used 8. The correct number here, as given by the text, is 18. Also, they used the wrong depreciation data in several years in this forecast. These mistakes would have been realized if they had reviewed their brief adequately. These mistakes skew the numbers enough to mislead readers, showing the wrong timeframe for excess cash. In conclusion, group five did a very good job on the major issues in this case. However, they should have taken more time reviewing some of their data to ensure accuracy. LIMITATIONS There are several limitations in this case. One of the main issues is what kind of fallout will be produced by the cutting of the dividend payout from the current rate of 40% to a rate of 10%. We are assuming that those who are currently holding the stock for these large dividend payments will either stay with Eastboro, or will be replaced by new investors whose goals better represent Eastboro’s vision. We are also forecasting all numbers with an assumed growth rate of 15%, which obviously has the possibility, if not the probability of fluctuating below or above this number. Also, we are assuming the recent focus on the CAD/CAM technology will be profitable for Eastboro in the long-run, and that this new vision will create value for shareholders. Lastly, we are assuming that the market as a whole will perceive this move for what it is, a change in focus for a solid company with high potential for future growth. An alternative would be that people would look at the cut in dividends for a company who had historically paid them as a signal of weakness for Eastboro. We’re going with the assumption that the name change, as well as proper marketing practices by Eastboro should adequately address this problem.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Monkeys and how we judge mental illness Essay

In the movie 12 Monkeys there features a virus which was deliberately released in 1996 and killed more than five billion people. The survivors seek refuge into the underground. The refugees send volunteers to bring insect specimens from the universe to test for the virus presence. One of the sent prisoners is James Cole. He is sent for a mission into the past to collect information about the virus. He arrives in Baltimore in 1990, instead of 1996. Cole begins to recall the past events as if he was in a dream. For instance, he recalls an event when he witnessed a man killed at the airport while he was a child. Cole seems to have mental problem. That is the theme of the movie (Lynette, 3). In the movie, the issue of mental illness is brought out vividly. The definition of mental illness in regard to the social norms and beliefs is brought out clearly. Also, the Cole’s experience and how it relates to Plato’s allegory of the cave is highlighted. In this film, mental illness is featured several times. For instance, Jose mentions that the so called volunteers are said to go mad. This presents a clear case of mental illness in the movie. We also notice Cole getting locked up in the mental institution with other lunatics. That shows that there were many other lunatics present. Goines is definitely crazy or schizoid because of his hallucinating and grandiosity nature. Dr. Railly, the psychiatrist alludes that maybe the whole world may be insane. We really do not understand whether Cole was really from the future or he was ‘mentally divergent’. We notice Cole questioning his mental capabilities when he asks himself if it could not be great if he was crazy. Simultaneously, the Dr. is convinced that he is from the figure of which we know that this cannot be right (Lynette, 8). If he was really sane and from the furfure, then how can one explain the voice that he hears, the one he calls bum calling him Bob? What about th e changing guard faces? Again, what about the fact that he is never seen coming or leaving and his memory lapses? We really cannot know the physical divergence he claims to have because one cannot explain his foreknowledge about the boy in the well. It is also to explain his appearances in a World War One photo and the bullet in his leg. In short, this movie seems to be implying that we may not be mentally ill or weirder than the world we live. Relative to the social beliefs and norms, mental illness or abnormality can be seen as not being an exact process as it tends to focus on different individuals with different lines of thinking. This relies on different situations, behaviors and context to which the measure is applied (Weinberger, 2001). In defining abnormality, people from different societies and countries have varied ideas. Each and every culture has its own concepts of what it considers to be normal or abnormal. This can make us conclude that what is considered abnormal in one society is not the same in other societies. So, there is no society which is more superior to the other in their perception of mental illness or one society has got many mental disorders than the other (American Psychiatric Association. 2000). If we look at the deviation from the norms, something or somebody can be considered abnormal if he or she does not conform to what could be considered statistically normal. Those who focus on this explanation consider specific aspects such as the intelligence quotient (IQ), the personal traits and their distribution. Asserting that a person is abnormal in this aspect typically means that they deviate from the numeric average of a specific trait and behavior patterns. The other mostly applied aspect in examining the mental illness of people is the deviation from the social norms. Naturally, some behaviors are considered unaccepted in the society, but they can still be expected to be applied in certain situations. Majority of people know how to adjust and come along with these changes (Weinberger, 2001). The ones that contradict what is socially normal are taken as abnormal or mentally ill to the extreme. Also, a person is considered abnormal if he/she is not functioning correctly in that he or she may lack a full range of emotion and feelings and, therefore, his life is considered abnormal. Such people can only participate in a limited range of functioning lifestyle (American Psychiatric Association. 2000). Distress can also be used to gauge the mental illness and capability of people as it could be an underlying mental problem. Another aspect of the social norms definition of mental illness is the person’s association with others. If a person’s relationship with others causes them discomfort, then, the approach of the person may lead to the description of abnormality in the context of that relationship. The Cole’s experiences relate to the Plato’s’ allegatory of the cave’ with respect to allegations that the real world may not be what our senses reveal. In relation to the Cole’s experience, we see him moving from one world of the past to the furfure and vice versa. In real this could only be a dream or mere imaginations. In this case, Cole’s experiences could be reflecting Plato’s thoughts or allegations. In his Dialogue with Glaucon, we are not sure of the cave which he was referring to. It could either be the underground that the people had escaped to after the virus struck the universe or the prison where Cole was imprisoned. Cole imagines that the prisoners could think that the sounds they had heard were really coming from the shadows. Surprisingly, that imagination coincides with his seeing the changing face of the guard and that of omnipresence. His concepts on the shadows could reflect Cole’s switching from one world to another. Was what he saw from the 1990 world true or could it be his experience from the 1996 and 2035? Which was the truer experience? On the last part of their discussion with Glaucon, he tells him that they, meaning the government, cannot show any gratitude for the culture which they have never received. This could be reflecting the 12 monkeys who had released the virus that almost eliminated the human race according to the film. He said that with education on how to tackle issues, one will be able to defeat these ill minded people. That notion reflects Cole’s endeavors. References Roger Ebert (1996-01-05). â€Å"12 Monkeys†. Chicago Sun-TimesLynette Rice (August 26, 2013). † 12 monkeys pilot†. Entertainment Weekly James Berardinelli. â€Å"Twelve Monkeys†. Reviews Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences Education, National Research Council. 2000. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Weinberger, D., Torrey, E.F., and Berman, K. 2001. Schizophrenia PET scans. Retrieved July 13, 2008 American Psychiatric Association. 2000. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition The Allegory of the Cave Source document

Questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Questions - Coursework Example However, sales people do face challenges in the course of their work. For instance, a salesperson promises to deliver goods to a customer in two days. In this case, a promise has been made, and it is either be kept or broken by the company’s distribution department. When the promise is broken, many people in the society have a perception that sales persons are dishonest. Members of the society have had bad experiences with personal selling, as they perceive sales people as annoying and over aggressive. A marketing mix is a method used by sales people to market their goods and services. The marketing mix is important when determining a brand’s offer. There are four P’s that are associated with marketing mix: product, price, Place and Promotion. The marketing mix is used to optimize the promotional tactics and advertising mix to increase sales. The selling act fits into the marketing mix through advertising, for instance, one has to ensure that the products meets the ideal 4 Ps for them to meet high demand in the market (Martin, 2009). Cold canvassing method is a traditional method used in selling process. It refers to the first call made to a potential customer. One of the major disadvantages of cold canvassing is that scammers have also used it, an element that has led to an escalation in fraud. Cold canvassing is perceived to be annoying by the customers, and this method might not attract success in businesses. Further, one may fail to get the best-qualified candidates for a certain post. Additionally, it may consume more time to convince potential employees. To achieve success in sales, the salesperson must first set goals and objectives and focus on achieving the goals after every sales call. Sales calls without clear outline objectives are wastage of time and company’s resources. It is important for a sales person to establish objectives to determine the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Presidency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The Presidency - Essay Example s history the nature of presidency has evolved considerably, from the limited role the writers of the constitution had in mind to the emergence of the president-centered government of the twentieth century. This paper will therefore discuss the contributions the most transformative American presidents, and how their presidential powers and the roles expanded over the years. Article II of the America’s constitution provides for the powers, qualifications and benefits of the presidency. Presidential power falls under three categories namely constitutional, delegated and inherent forms of power. Delegated and constitutional powers make up the expressed powers since they are clearly outlined in the constitution. Inherent powers however, have been interpreted differently, in which at times make the president to have great power. The powers of the president have always been controversial. Judiciary and the congress have clashed with both Clinton and Bush administration over matters of executive privilege, the war on terror and impeachment. The constitution assigned military, diplomatic and appointment powers to the president. Almost all modern presidents have expanded their powers. Given the foreign policy challenges of Afghanistan, Iraq, and North Korea together with the disruption involving domestic economy of the credit crisis, president Obama will soon have to use his executive power as his predecessors have. Executive order is a form of inherent power in which is a regulation or rule issued by the president that has the force of law. Reasons for issuing such an order may be to enforce statutes, to modify or establish how executive agencies operate and to enforce treaties or the constitution. For example, on September 24, 1957, President Dwight Eisenhower issued an executive order 10730 dispatching several troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to stop local angry mobs from interfering with Central High School’s integration. Until the 1930s congress dominated the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Smart Car Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Smart Car - Case Study Example smart car; Should Mercedes rethink its ambitions in the small-car segment and what are the chances that the "smart" car will be a commercial success and ,finally, can the "smart" car sustain a competitive advantage in the competitive microcar market The paper would end with strategy based marketing recommendations to make MCC's strategic process of strategic choice and analysis with in organizations in relation to its competition. The paper also takes a theoretical look at strategy making within the marketing function in the smart car before making the above referred recommendations. Swiss watch making is recognized by one brand name: Swatch. Swatch made it possible for the Swiss watch industry to emerge out of a bankruptcy threatening recession in the 1970s, when over-confident manufacturers stuck to old technology ignoring the impact of new quartz technology which had allowed cheap, accurate watches from the Far East to capture the market. Swatch has traversed substantial distance since its formation in 1983, when the two Swiss largest watchmakers, ASUAG and SSIH, realized that under the onslaught of the new technology they were facing liquidation. Some of the prestigious brands such as Longines, Omega and Tissot, owned by these two watch makers, became ideal targets for foreign acquisition. The two companies panicked and decided to join hands and invited Nicolas Hayek, CEO of the business consulting firm Hayek Engineering, to organize the strengthening exercise. Hayek brought about one of the most amazing turn arounds in business health through his two pronge d strategy in the face of fierce criticism. He amalgamated the two companies to form SMH (the company changed its name to Swatch in 1998); the Hayek Pool - Hayek himself and partners from Swiss industry - took over the majority of the shares, and Hayek became CEO. Then he radically altered the production lines and marketing. The now well known plastic Swatch watch was launched in the Swiss market in 1983, with 12 models with a price range narrowly defined between 39 and 50 francs. The basic product design was simplified from over 90 components to just 51 components, and remarkably all components could be welded together by robots on a single assembly line - the first on Swiss watch manufacturing landscape. This reduced skilled labour cost to almost naught as a proportion whereas in contrast in traditional Swiss watch making, the same cost used to account for as much as 10 % or more of cost of finished product. This made Swatch highly competitive in world markets. To add simplificati on and rationalization of production was the marketing ingenuity of Hayek. Hayek has ensured that strategic marketing plays an

Friday, July 26, 2019

How Greenwash commercials influence buying behaviour in luxury car Dissertation

How Greenwash commercials influence buying behaviour in luxury car market - Dissertation Example According to the research findings the impact of Greenwash commercials on buying behaviour seeks to understand the consumers’ psychological orientation towards purchase of products and how marketing strategies or advertisements can adapt to the same. Amongst the Response Hierarchy Models, Persuasive Hierarchy Model suggests that consumers are influenced by advertising and use the commercials to learn about different brands and reach their preferences based on the information they gain from these. Here cognition is the precondition for making any buying decision. This model is applicable in high involvement purchase condition where the product or the purchase is crucial to the consumer. Such advertisement begins with awareness which leads to interest of the buyer and then results in action of purchase. These are highly true for consumers of cars. In Low involvement cases, the consumer prefer convenience goods, i.e.take the buying decisions based upon cost, etc. Here purchases a re rapid and preferences towards brands are formed after trials. Integrated Models therefore suggest that buying decisions depend on situations and advertising works accordingly. The FCG grid formed by the advertising agency Foote, Cone and Belding can appropriately depict this with four different buying situations incorporating consumer motivation. For instance, in high involvement case, consumers’ motive will lead him to buy items like luxury watches when the idea is to transform their lifestyle or when the â€Å"feel good† factor is important to them. ... umers are influenced by advertising and use the commercials to learn about different brands and reach their preferences based on the information they gain from these (Belch and Belch, 2003, p. 208). Here cognition is the precondition for making any buying decision. This model is applicable in high involvement purchase condition where the product or the purchase is crucial to the consumer. Such advertisement begins with awareness which leads to interest of the buyer and then results in action of purchase. These are highly true for consumers of cars. In Low involvement cases, the consumer prefer convenience goods, i.e.take the buying decisions based upon cost, etc. Here purchases are rapid and preferences towards brands are formed after trials. Integrated Models therefore suggest that buying decisions depend on situations and advertising works accordingly. The FCG grid (Appendix B: Integrated Model – FCG grid) formed by the advertising agency Foote, Cone and Belding can appropri ately depict this with four different buying situations incorporating consumer motivation. For instance, in high involvement case, consumers’ motive will lead him to buy items like luxury watches when the idea is to transform their lifestyle or when the â€Å"feel good† factor is important to them. Again when product choice is based on information about the product, consumers will tend to choose automotives and appliances. In Low involvement case, they would go for package goods (cost effectiveness), while their choice is led by information. Under low involvement they would settle for variety goods in order to meet the â€Å"feel good† factor (Sorce&Dewitz, 2007, pp. 4-5). This dissertation focuses on a High Involvement case (a case of buying luxury brands of cars). For these goods there always

Thursday, July 25, 2019

World Health Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

World Health Organization - Essay Example ves of WHO is â€Å"To reduce morbidity and mortality and improve health during key stages of life, including pregnancy, childbirth, the neonatal period, childhood and adolescence, and improve sexual and reproductive health and promote active and healthy ageing for all individuals† (WHO, 2012). The target population of WHO are all people in the world in general and the poor people in the underdeveloped countries in particular, which do not have adequate resources to ensure the health and safety of their citizens. UN has introduced a lot of vaccines for the prevention of different kinds of diseases in such countries as India, Pakistan, Sudan, and Ethiopia. â€Å"WHO was on the alert in those parts of the world experiencing humanitarian crises, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Horn of Africa, Iraq, Sudan and in particular Darfur, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and elsewhere† (Chaib, 2006). WHO has an operational history full of successes and few failures since its establishment. In the year 1947, WHO created an epidemiological service of information through telex and launched the programme for the eradication of malaria in the year 1955. Ten years later, WHO created the International Agency for Research on Cancer. In 1966, WHO shifted in its headquarters building. In 1974, WHO started the Expanded Programme on Immunization. In 1975, WHO launched the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases. Between 1986 and 1996, WHO was actively involved in creating awareness about the causes, risks, and prevention of HIV/AIDS and Polio. It took several measures to providing the patients of HIV/AIDS with medical attention without discrimination on the basis of race or region. In 1988, WHO established the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Smallpox was a major health issue in 31 countries of the world in the year 1967. The victims of smallpox in 1967 was from 10 to 15 million, out of which 2 million patients died while millions got

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Who Was CELIA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Who Was CELIA - Essay Example Celia participated also in singing contest where she won many of them. As she grew up, she realized that her career was in music and assumed that her music created awareness to the world about the Cuban culture and the happiness of living life to the fullest (Tatum, 1002). In 1947, Celia enrolled to study at the Cuban Conservatory of Music and was discovered by one of the most famous orchestras called music group La Sonora Matancera. In 1960s, Celia moved to United States where she became a citizen due to political changes in Cuba. A few years later, she married Pedro Knight who was a trumpet player in her group. Celia recorded and performed with many musicians and became the voice of Salsa. While performing, she would wear colorful clothing and bright makeup on her face. Also, her dancing was energetic like her voice. Celia died in 2003 as a result of brain cancer (Tatum, 1003). In conclusion, it is evident that Celia was the Queen of salsa. Also, she had the passion of music since her childhood. Also, Celia created awareness to the world about the Cuban culture and the happiness of living life to the

Creative writing proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Creative writing proposal - Essay Example Due to Sancho’s desire to become wealthy, he has blatantly agreed to accompany me. So we ride the roads of Spain in search of glory and grand adventure and I have given up food, shelter, and comfort, to a peasant woman, Dulcinea del Toboso, whom I envision as a princess. My inner desire to become a hero drives me out of my way and that is why I have easily gives up all most of my wealth to the wicked in the society. He however seems not convinced at all that we were still headed in the same direction as we had set off our journey. I have given up on a number of my ideals though I am not ready to admit it. I have to leave a young boy with an evil farmer because he has sworn an oath with me that he will not harm the innocent boy. That sounds convincing enough as I do not want to harm any anyone. I have just witnessed the death of a student who has died due to his love for a disdainful lady that turned into a shepherdess. I have managed to rescue a slave known as Gines de Pasamonte as well as uniting two couples who had initially separated. Cardenio and Lucinda, and Ferdinand and Dorothea had no serious cause to separate and I find it easy to bring them back together due to my great convincing ability. I have thus achieved number of my inner desires though I still yearn for more. People have begun to perceive me as a savior of mankind and that brings a lot of joy to me. Sancho informs me that an evil enchanter has transformed Dulcinea into a peasant girl and I am deeply moved by the news. Undoing the enchantment becomes my next big goal that has to be achieved in the next few hours. However, I fail to achieve it as soon as I realize that it had been a lie. I meet the Duke and the Duchess who decided to play a trick on me and marks the end of my conquest as I come to the realization that it had all been a dream not a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Structure and Agency in Revolutionary Theory Essay

Structure and Agency in Revolutionary Theory - Essay Example The school of culture and agency is based on the premise that repeated conditioning of individuals through their culture patterns human behaviour. Agency forwards the notion that human behaviour is determined by free will that charts the way for independent action and free will in making choices. Revolutions are occurrences in governance that result to a change in leadership, which is achieved through various means. Numerous schools of thought have been forwarded in an attempt to explain and the understanding of the making and the instigators of revolutions. This paper seeks to highlight the debate between structural theorists and the culture and agency school to the 1906 constitutional revolution in Iran. The 1906 constitutional revolution in Iran was instigated by the Shah’s extravagance, which led to the exploitation and destruction of the nation’s economy (Poulson 104). Teheran was the seat of Persian power and majority of the population was composed of merchants, noble classes, religious authorities and the educated elite who felt and understood the consequences of the Shah’s extravagance (Poulson 106). They were the main instigators of the revolution that called for the removal of the chancellor who was to blame for the dire economic situation. After the removal of the chancellor the Shah did not change his extravagant ways and the same group campaigned and advocated for the establishment of an institution would rule by law instead of royal and foreign influence. In the context of this discussion, the 1906 revolution in Iran can be viewed from both perspectives that are presented by structural theorists and the culture and agency school of thought. This is b ecause according to Skocpol, there are always structural forces that underlie the uprising of a revolution. Persia was facing an economic meltdown under the leadership of the Shah, which means the societal structure was under threat (Geels 32). This is in the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Individualism versus Collectivism Essay Example for Free

Individualism versus Collectivism Essay The concepts of individualism and collectivism apply to the description of societies and individuals within the society. Cultures vary in their levels of individualism/ collectivism while individuals within these specific cultures vary on the same dimension. Idiocentric and allocentric are constructs that are very important in differentiating consistent variations of an individual’s attitudes, beliefs, self-definition, normative behavior and self-definition. Individualism is termed as the person’s level of idiocentric while collectivism is the person’s level of allocentric (Udehn, 2001). Idiocentric individuals emphasize more on their own goals and needs over those of the group to which they belong. They are much independent and self-reliant. On the other hand, allocentric individuals tend to be more cooperative, interdependent and they also have a stronger desire to partner with others. In addition allocentric and idiocentric individuals differ in their source of intimacy and companionship to satisfy their several needs and to strengthen their self-esteem. For instance, idiocentric obtains their social support from peers and best friends while allocentrics obtain their social support from their parents. Individuals with allocentric tendencies have fewer daily but more in-depth discussions than individuals with idiocentric tendencies. People who express more allocentric or idiocentric tendencies vary in various ways. For instance, the people who tend to be more allocentric have good reliability and inter-correlation thus showing convergent validity. They are characterized with three main aspects which include individual to group goals, in-group as extension of the self and in-group identity. Individuals who are more idiocentric mainly use equity and need in distributing rewards. Individuals who are more allocentric mainly emphasize on the values of cooperation, fairness and honesty while individuals who are more idiocentric put much emphasis on values of comfortable life, competition, pleasure and social recognition. Persons who are allocentric receive much and better quality social support while those who are more idiocentric are usually higher in achievement motivation, alienation and greater loneliness. The difference between collective and individualist cultures is mainly based on self. In collectivist cultures, the self is more linked to in-group memberships while in individualist cultures; self-concept is obtained from independently groups which are based on the varying characteristics and contributions of the individual. In collectivists’ cultures, there is high adherence to the goals of the in-group and to in-group values and also the maintaining of in-group harmony (Lee Kelly 1996). In individualistic societies, the aims and the goals of a particular individual are more important and less significance is attached to in-group harmony. Nevertheless, individualism is mainly based on Western cultures while collectivism is related with Eastern cultures. Collectivistic cultures have lower rates of suicide, psychopathology and relatively higher marital satisfaction than individualistic cultures. I consider myself to be idiocentric. This is because I always concentrate on my own goals and achievement over those of the other people and I carry out my tasks independently. I normally display a different tendency towards the allocentric. For instance, in making purchase of luxury brands, I purchase goods for my own sake pleasures ad interests while the allocentric purchase the luxury brands only with an aim of seeking social recognition (McCarthy, 2005). As a result of these differences, conflict and misunderstanding emerges. This is because as a personally motivated consumer, I will purchase the luxury brands for self-interests while on the other hand an allocentric individual who is socially motivated will make the purchase of luxury brands with an aim of seeking social recognition.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Heart Rate Changes In Different Genders Physical Education Essay

Heart Rate Changes In Different Genders Physical Education Essay This report sets out research based on prior experience and literature carrying out the study of relations between exercise and respiration eventually resulting in variation in pulse rate. In essence the research proposal seeks to understand more about the effect and cause relationship to come out with precise results. The report details the methodological issues connected with the research and it explores the choices and assumptions necessary in planning the research. The aim of the study was to see the effect of age and gender on pulse rate variation in response to exercise. For this investigation we made sure the practical is safe because we would not do things that would affect people and also we would not be dangerous to others. We needed to use pulse-meter to check pulse rate down every finding. In our research it was expected that the pulse rate would increase during the time of exercise and also the breathing rate would be faster than normal and that gender and age would affe ct the pulse rate of people. The weights (dumbles) were given to the subjects to use for five minute and one of us assisted them to make sure they used the weights properly. The pulse rate was noted down before the experiment with the help of pulse meter and was recorded again after carrying out the five minute round of exercise with the weights. The ages and gender were also noted. The results of the experiment proved that the pulse rate increased by a substantial amount after the exercise had been completed and that females had a higher pulse rate than men. Moreover, it was seen that age mens ages increase, their pulse rate increases and there was no correlation between females ages and their pulse rates. This experiment tests the effects of age, gender and exercise on pulse  rate. Pulse rate represents the beating of the heart, specifically the  ejection of blood from the left ventricle to the general circulation of the body.  Before the start of exercise, your pre-exercise heart rate usually  rises  above normal, and this is called an anticipatory response. During  exercise, respiration increases based on the amount of activity being  done. When exercise is being completed, there is an increased demand  for gas exchange, due to the circulatory system being under continuous  stress. Oxygen consumption increases rapidly, as well as carbon dioxide  production.  Regular exercise also produces changes in circulation. The blood flow  to working muscles increase, and this means that more oxygen and  energy can be delivered to the muscle cells. Blood volume and the  number of red blood cells also increase with this large flow, and  oxygen  levels rise conside rably.  In our experiment we have decided to test a type of exercise;  use of weight (dumbles). This will affect various parts of the body and is designed  to  build up stamina and keep a regular heart beat. Objective This experiment aims to discover how exercise can  affect the pulse rate of any given individual by testing their pulse  rate after different amounts of exercise and how gender and age affects the pulse rate. Literature Review Research has shown that the pulse rate of men is slower than the pulse rate for women. Different researches have been conducted on the effect of exercise on the health of human being. The studies were intended to examine the influence of exercise on pulse rate, heart rate and fitness of people. Experts from cardiac health suggest that the best way to keep hearts healthy is a balanced diet, avoiding smoking, and regular exercise. Exercise that is good for your heart elevates your heart rate. The American Heart Association recommends to do exercise that increases your heart rate to between 50 and 75% of your maximum heart rate. They recommend getting at least 30  minutes of exercise on most days of the week (AHA, 2006). The American Heart Association also suggests that pulse rate for woman is considered normal if it is between 70-80 beats per minute. However, pulse rate may be affected by variables such as age, sex, physical fitness, some drugs/medication, genetics and anxiety. A study of (WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise) revealed that your pulse changes from minute to minute. It will be faster when you exercise, have fever or when you are under stress. It will be slower when you are taking rest. The institute also did an experiment to see the pulse rate difference in males and females. The results of the experiment were that the pulse rate of the females was in fact higher than the male pulse rate by six beats.   The overall female average was 85 beats per minute and the overall for males was 79 beats per minute. Scott Roberts, Ph.D., FACSM, FAACVPR, is an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Education and Exercise Physiology at California State University, Chico. His primary area of expertise is Clinical Exercise Physiology. He has authored and co-authored 10 fitness and exercise science books and over a hundred articles and chapters in books. His studies tell that women have a higher Heart Rate response than men. This response compensates for the lower stroke volumes women have compared to men. The average amount of blood pumped out of the heart per minute is referred to as cardiac output. Another research by the American Journal of hypertension concluded that there was no influence of the exercise on pulse rate, blood pressure level and rates of hypertension of the elderly population of ages 50 and above. But the research showed that regular exercise can develop better health and fitness in the younger population. According to (Silverstein, Alvin Dr., et al, The Circulatory System Canada; Fitzhenrey and Whiteside Ltd.  1994), age also affects the pulse rate.   The usual pulse rate for a baby embryo is 150 b.p.m. (beats per minute).The average pulse rate of an infant140 b.p.m and 90 b.p.m in seven years old.   A man from 30-40 years old usually has a pulse rate of approximately 72 b.p.m; this differs from 76-80 b.p.m for a woman of the same age.   Elderly people have the lowest of the other age groups, which is around 50-65 b.p.m.   Women usually have higher pulse rates than men.   Another difference among pulse rates is physical activity. Exercising, such as playing sports, speed your pulse rate up and almost double the speed of your heart.   A study from Brigham and Womens Hospital also conveys the message that the human health can be judged by four vital signs which are Pulse rate, Body temperature, Respiration rate and the Blood pressure. All of these signs can be controlled and regulated by doing regular exercise. Like all other researches Texas Heart Institute also came up with a thought that exercise can help your body in many ways. Aside from helping you to keep a healthy body weight, exercise increases your mobility, protects against bone loss, reduces your stress levels and pulse rates, and helps you feel better about yourself. And research has shown that people who exercise are less likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels. People of any age or fitness level can benefit from some type of exercise, be it running, walking, ballroom dancing, water aerobics, gardening, or any activity you choose. A study from NEMA (National Emergency Medicine Association) shows that many athletes have pulse rates in the 40 60 range depending on how fit they are. In general a lower pulse rate is good and exercise programs helps doing so. In addition to that declines will be seen in resting heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels as well. Overall body changes will also be experienced including weight loss and increase of lean body mass. Hypothesis Development Null Hypothesis H0 = There is no relationship between the age, gender and pulse rate. HO: p à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   0 Alternative Hypothesis HA = There is a relationship between the age, gender and pulse rate. HA: p = 0 Theoretical Framework The dependent variable here is the pulse rate which changes when exercise is carried out. So, exercise, gender and age are the independent variables which can be manipulated to determine the change in pulse rate. Some intervening variable also interrupt the independent variable and create a discrepancy in the results. Identification of Variables Independent Exercise Age Gender Dependent Pulse Rate Intervening variables Such as illness, faulty tools etc. DIAGRAM Dependent Variable Independent Variables Age Gender Exercise Pulse Rate Intervening Variables illness, faulty tools Methodology Nature Of study the nature of the study is hypothesis testing. Data Collection The data for our research was obtained through experiment and some secondary sources of information, which included internet articles, journals and books. Population Our target population consisted of males and females living in Lahore. Sample The sample comprises of 1070 people, half males and half females. Instruments The instruments used were two dumbles weighing 5 kg each, a stopwatch and a pulse meter. Procedure: The methodology was based on field Experiment research. 1070 people (half males and half females) were approached in different parks and market areas of Lahore. Convenience sampling was used i.e(willing people were chosen to be a part of the experiment). Their pulse rates were recorded before exercise. They were each asked to use lift two weights of 5 kg each for five minutes. Their pulse rate after the exercise was then recorded using the pulse meter. Their age and gender was recorded. The results were then recorded in SPSS and conclusions were drawn based on the collected results. Reliability The reliability of the instruments was ensured through test-retest method. For test-retest reliability method five males from the sample were chosen. Their pulse rate before exercise was recorded twice after a time interval of two minutes. The results obtained in both the attempts co-related to a high degree (Co-efficient=0.87). Validity The content validity is ensured since the pulse meter is measuring the pulse of a person per minute. Results The results of the experiment are as follows: Descriptives: The results show that the mean values of pulse rate in males are lower than the mean values of the pulse rate in females. This shows that females have a higher pulse rate than men. The results also prove that the pulse rate increases after exercise, as the means of the pulse rates before exercise are lower than the means of the pulse rates after exercise. N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Without Exercise male 1070 55 105 85.09 10.227 With Exercise male 1070 82 144 116.03 13.118 Valid N (listwise) 1070 N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation With Exercise Female 535 96 144 120.41 10.060 Without Exercise Female 535 70 105 92.19 6.373 Valid N (listwise) 535 Correlation: The table below shows a weak positive correlation between age of males and their pulse rate without exercise. This means that as the ages of males increase, their pulse rate increases. The value is significant. Age Without Exercise pulse Age male Pearson Correlation 1 .270(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 535 535 Without Exercise pulse males Pearson Correlation .270(**) 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 535 535 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). The table below shows that there is almost no correlation between the age of females and their pulse rate without exercise. This means that the two variables are not related. Age Female Without Exercise pulse Age Female Pearson Correlation 1 .043 Sig. (2-tailed) .317 N 535 535 Without Exercise pulse female Pearson Correlation .043 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .317 N 535 535 Graphical representation of results Discussion We are of the view that when the body is exercising the muscles respire to  produce energy, so the muscles can contract. Oxygen is needed for this  process; the oxygen is carried in the hemoglobin of the red blood  cell. The heart and lungs need to work harder in order to get a  greater amount of oxygen to the muscles for respiration. In muscle cells digested food substances are oxidized to release energy. These  oxidation reactions are called cellular respiration. When muscles use  oxygen in order to respire the process is called aerobic respiration:  The heart rate rises because during exercise, cell respiration in the  muscles increases, so the level of carbon dioxide in the blood rises.  Carbon dioxide is slightly acid; the brain detects the rising acidity  in the blood, the brain then sends a signal through the nervous system  to the lungs to breathe faster and deeper. Gaseous exchange in the  lungs increases allowing more oxygen into the circulatory syst em and removing more carbon dioxide. The brain then sends a signal to the  senatorial node to make the heart beat faster. As a result the heart  rate would rise.  The length of exercise is  increased; the number of beats per minute will rise. The number of  beats per minute rises steadily because the amount of exercise is gradually increased. The heart reacts to this by increasing the number  of times per minute that it beats so that the muscles have enough  oxygen and glucose to work with the greater amount of exercise. In a trial the body temperature of the  exerciser will rise. The heat of the body will increase the heart  rate which will adversely affect our results, making them less  accurate and reliable. We cannot control if the body heats up during  exercise, only to the extent of using a fan to cool the epidermis of  the skin which would lower the temperature of the blood, thus reducing  the bodys core temperature. This would then keep the heart ra te at a  more natural level when a sample will be exercising. The intervening variables which may act at the point of time and are hard to calculate may affect the findings but we are trying to minimize the chance of error by taking measures. Although exercise increases pulse rate, age and gender definitely have an impact on it also. We saw that as age in men increases, their pulse rate also increases, whereas in females, there is no correlation between the age and pulse rates. Moreover, the mean values of pulse rates for females are higher than the mean values of pulse rates for men. Acknowledgements Our debt to people who have supported us in this whole project is enormous. We highly appreciate their complete support, interest, patience and lucid explanations. We highly appreciate the coordination of individuals most of whom we didnt know who cooperated and showed their consent to complete our research. We are really thankful to Mr. Humair Hashmi who taught and led us to the path of attaining a successful Research. References AHA, 2006. Target Heart Rates, American Heart Association [accessed June 20, 2006 WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise American Journal of Hypertension Brigham and womens Hospital,P00866 Texas Heart Institute NEMA (National Emergency Medicine Association)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Reflective Analysis Time Management And Nursing Nursing Essay

Reflective Analysis Time Management And Nursing Nursing Essay An event that was meaningful to me as a nurse happened during my clinical time at St. Michaels Hospital when I did not wash my patient before 8:00 am in order to prepare her to go to a plastic surgery appointment later on that day. My patients 10:00 am Heparin administration was delayed by 45 minutes because she was being washed at that time. This event occurred because I did not prioritize the tasks I had to complete during the day properly, and therefore I learned the importance of time management while I work as a nurse on the clinical unit. Besides me, the people who were involved in the event were the registered nurse who I shadowed, my clinical instructor, and my student nurse buddy. At the beginning of the clinical day, while the events happened, I contacted my instructor, my nurse, and my student nurse buddy. The nurse and I sat down to look at the Kardex of patients and wrote down notes on our Personal Organizational Plan (P.O.P.). On the Kardex, my patients condition was the same as yesterday except she would have a plastic surgery appointment later on that day. Usually the patients husband would visit her daily around 9:30 am and provide care which including washing the patient and helping her to perform bowel elimination. My patient preferred that nurses leave them alone while her husband cares to her. On this particular day, the patients husband had an appointment and could not visit his wife in the morning, which meant it was my responsibility to wash my patient early so she could be ready for her appointment. I verbally informed my student nurse buddy that I would need her help to wash my patient but I thought my memory was good enough that I did not have to write down this specific task on my P.O.P. When I met with my patient, I concentrated on measuring her vital signs, completing the initial assessment, nursing activities, and interviewing my patient for the Roy Care Plan assignment as these tasks were originally listed on the P.O.P. I made sure I finished charting by 9:00 am. Once I finished charting, the nurse came up to me to see if I had bathed my patient and I replied no. From the nurses unsatisfied facial response, I realized I should have bathed my patient earlier in advance. My clinical instructor also asked my student nurse buddy and I the reason the patient had not been washed yet. I thought I could have washed my patient after I completed the charting as I knew the patient usually was washed around 10:00 am by her husband. I felt really bad and irresponsible because I did not wash my patient on time and prepare her for the appointment. My intuition told me there must be an essential task I had missed, but I just could not recall what it was since I did not write it down on the P.O.P. I thought my clinical instructor and the nurse must feel disappointed that I did not perform the task earlier as I remembered my clinical instructor stated clearly to check if any of our patients has special orders or tasks to be done at the beginning of the shift. I believe there are ethical and economic considerations to be taken into account about this event. If my patient was still in the process of getting ready while she received a call to go down to the plastic surgery unit, it would create unnecessary wait time for the plastic surgeon and other patients who would see the plastic surgeon later on. In order to compensate for the extra wait time, staffs at the plastic surgery unit may try to rush things and quality of treatment that patients receive may suffer. Staf fs may have to work overtime due to the delay and economic burden would be a result. In addition, delay of administering Heparin will increase patients risk of blood clotting and serious consequences such as pulmonary emboli, myocardial infarction, and deep vein thrombosis may be resulted. This will be considered as maleficence to the patient (Potter Perry, 2009). Moreover, I believe I should be accountable to my patient by providing safe and quality care to my patient which includes washing my patient on time. This belief arises from my nursing teachers constant reminders to us that it is very important to follow CNOs practice standards during practice. The key issue of the event is time management skills for clinical practice. If effective time management strategies were applied to my clinical practice, the chance of this event occurring would have been minimized and my performance of clinical practice will be improved. According to Chater and Litchfields study done on new graduate nurses who work in a neonatal unit at an Australian hospital (2007), five themes: knowing, planning, support, fulfillment, adapting and being flexible can be utilized to help student nurses and new graduate nurses to better manage their clinical time. Firstly, knowing is essential for nurses to manage time on the unit. The reason is if novice nurses do not know the condition of their patients, then they will not know what interventions they need to apply. More time will be spent looking up and learning about how to take care of the patients conditions. Therefore, obtaining nursing knowledge and familiarity with the daily routine care of the unit can help nurses handle their time on unit more efficiently. Having knowledge about the patients condition will also help novices feel less anxious, gain a sense of control, and raise their level of confidence (Chater Litchfield, 2007). Secondly, planning involves thinking about all the tasks which need to be completed as well as how much time each task requires. Proper planning can guide nurses through their day and ensure that important tasks will not be missed. Taking the time to think about required tasks also saves time because it allows the nurse to figure out what resources will be needed to complete a specific task and get everything ready in advance, rather than beginning a task and suddenly realizing something is missing and having to pause to figure it out. Thirdly, new nurses should not hesitate to obtain support from their preceptors and peers. Researching the right knowledge for a patients problem is time consuming but important, so nurses should not be afraid to ask for help since it is in the best interests of the patient. Also, talking to another new nurse peer will aid in continued development of time management skills. Moreover, when novice nurse are able to manage time and are able to complete all the routine care, they gain a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment (Chater Litchfield, 2007). Finally, adapting and being flexible is essential to mastering time management skills. There are always unexpected and unpredictable events that occur during clinical and being able to adapt and find alternative ways to deal with various situations will help nurses feel less stressed when managing their time on the unit (Chater Litchfield, 2007). Besides the five managing themes stated above, prioritizing is a necessary tool for effective time management. Nurses have to prioritize tasks on their route and finish tasks from high to low priority order. For example, when starting a shift, a nurse should decide which patient requires the most care. The nurse can do this by checking in with each patient briefly to say hello but at the same time to assess their needs. After an assessment is done, it can be explained to the patients who do not need immediate care that they will be taken care of shortly while the nurse attends to those with urgent needs (Waterworth, 2003). In addition, nurses should be careful of some priority setting traps. The first trap is whatever hits first which means a nurse responds to tasks that happen first instead of thinking twice and then responding. The second trap is the squeaky wheel, a patient who is able to gather the most attention from a nurse to hear his or her urgent request may not be the one w ho is the most in need. The last trap is waiting for inspiration, nurses should not be wait to be inspirited to complete a task and they should actively think about what tasks have to be done while on unit (Vaccaro, 2001). I learned effective time management strategies to handle my time on clinical and I will definitely utilize the time managing strategies step by step from knowing , planning , prioritizing tasks, gaining support from other nurses, and being flexible with my tasks. My thinking has changed after analyzing the key issue. It now makes more sense to me the reasons that our instructor requires us to finish all the paperwork on Tuesday night even when we feel tired after spending the whole day on unit. In fact, completing the Diagnostic Complications Sheet and Medication sheet correspond to the knowing phase by gaining knowledge about our patients so that we can provide specific care to our patients, feel less anxious, and better manage our time on unit. By filling the detailed P.O.P., this correspond to the planning theme which helps student nurses organize their day and ensure tasks to be performed will not be missed. In my point of view, I would preserve the action that the register nurse comes to check on me to see if I bathed my patient. With this action, she is being responsible to the patient and also she is offering me support to help me take care of the patient. On the other hand, I would definitely change the way I organize my P.O.P and I would follow my P.O.P. with flexibility and do not just focus on the original task I planned for my patient. For example, once I found out my patient has to be washed before 8:00 am, I will write it down immediately so that I will not forget to complete the task. If a similar situation arises again in my practice, I would inform my student nurse buddy that I require her help to wash my patient before a certain time and ask him or her to remind me to finish the specific task in case I forget or become occupied by some other tasks. In term of recommendations, I think there is no better way than to come to the unit with preparation. For example, student nurses can build their well of nursing knowledge by reading the nursing interventions related to a patients specific condition from the Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing and the Medical-surgical Nursing in Canada. Also, Pharmacology for Canadian Health Care Practice can help student nurses build up their knowledge in medication. The more a student nurse comes prepared for their clinical time, the less anxious he or she will be and can apply the five time managing strategies mentioned above to handle their time on unit more effectively.

Bataan Death March Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Bataan Death March started on April 11, 1942. It was a result of over 70,000 American and Filipino soldiers surrendering to the Japanese on April 9. The Japanese were surprised by this number, having only expected about 30,000. According to soldier Lester I. Tenney, who experienced the Death March first hand, it was brutal for the prisoners of war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Japanese soldiers hollered and would prod us with their bayonets to walk faster(on a short walk to the starting point). Once at the main road, we waited for three hours, standing, sitting, or resting any way we could, but talking was not allowed,† Tenney wrote in his book My Hitch in Hell. â€Å"Those who left without a canteen had no means of getting water, even if it was available. Those who left with no cap or headpiece walked in the broiling hot sun, with temperatures by midday well in the 100's.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Japanese soldiers used different weapons to torture the Americans and Filipinos. For example, the POW’s were bayoneted, shot, or slain with a samurai sword. One man fell from exhaustion and was flattened by a tank. As his friends and comrades watched this happen, other soldiers were hit by Japanese trucks passing by.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The soldiers were not forced to walk the entire journey. At one point, they were stuffed into 1918 model railroad boxcars, which were 40 by 8 in size. There were over 100 men in each car. There was ... Bataan Death March Essay -- essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Bataan Death March started on April 11, 1942. It was a result of over 70,000 American and Filipino soldiers surrendering to the Japanese on April 9. The Japanese were surprised by this number, having only expected about 30,000. According to soldier Lester I. Tenney, who experienced the Death March first hand, it was brutal for the prisoners of war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Japanese soldiers hollered and would prod us with their bayonets to walk faster(on a short walk to the starting point). Once at the main road, we waited for three hours, standing, sitting, or resting any way we could, but talking was not allowed,† Tenney wrote in his book My Hitch in Hell. â€Å"Those who left without a canteen had no means of getting water, even if it was available. Those who left with no cap or headpiece walked in the broiling hot sun, with temperatures by midday well in the 100's.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Japanese soldiers used different weapons to torture the Americans and Filipinos. For example, the POW’s were bayoneted, shot, or slain with a samurai sword. One man fell from exhaustion and was flattened by a tank. As his friends and comrades watched this happen, other soldiers were hit by Japanese trucks passing by.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The soldiers were not forced to walk the entire journey. At one point, they were stuffed into 1918 model railroad boxcars, which were 40 by 8 in size. There were over 100 men in each car. There was ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Canterbury Tales :: Essays Papers

The Canterbury Tales Historical Background The Canterbury Tales were written in 1386 by Geoffrey Chaucer. In "The General Prologue," Chaucer introduces the Monk as a rebellious person who does what he wants and does not follow the rules of the monastery. However, in the Middle Ages, monks could not behave this way. They had to follow the rules of the monastery which were written by St. Benedict. They took vows as proof that they would follow these rules. In the Middle Ages, monks had to follow rules and be divided. The rules for the monasteries were written in 520 by St. Benedict. He was the leader of a monastery and wanted to write a set of rules "that were not so strict that monks would abandon their vocations"(Americana, p. 542). They were simple and allowed monks to exercise their minds and live stress-free lives. The rules said that monks had to pray, perform manual labor, and study. The studying was beneficial to the monks since they were able to become well educated. The knowledge gained from studying led many monks to write books. As part of their manual labor, they hand copied books because xerox machines were not invented yet. According to the Encyclopedia Americana, in the Middle Ages, monks in monasteries were divided into choir monks and lay brothers. This was a way of dividing the work because choir monks had to recite the prayer, the Divine Office, which was a requirement in the rules. The lay brothers did the manual labor. Hand copying books probably took a long time and they had a lot of other work to do, like studying and praying. Monks in the Middle Ages had to follow the rules and be divided. It was advantageous to be a monk because all they did was devote their lives to studying and praying. Since they led stress free lives, they were able to concentrate on their studies. The division of monks into lay brothers and choir monks seemed like an adjustment to the rule because the work was divided whereas before, all the monks had to recite prayers and do manual labor.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cell bio lab report Essay

Purpose: During this experiment we compared the hemagglutination reaction of control Con A solution at 2 mg/ml in Con A buffer with the hemagglutination reaction of your own purified Con A sample that you diluted previously at 2 mg/ml in Con A buffer. The purpose of this lab was to determine the strength of the reaction by performing serial dilutions on both the Con A sample and the control Con A sample, and determine through observations whether or not addition of galactose or mannose will inhibit this reaction. I hypothesize that the Con A + galactose solutions will have partial agglutination and partial no agglutination, and the Con A + mannose solutions will have all no agglutination. Results: Rows A and B had half agglutination and half no agglutination, while row C had all no agglutination. Row D had half agglutination and half partial agglutination, while row E had 4 columns with agglutination and 8 columns with no agglutination. Row F had complete agglutination throughout. Con A reaction plate (Row/Column) Reaction A1-A6 (Control) Agglutination/inhibited A7-A12 (Control) No Agglutination/not inhibited B1-B6 (Con A + galactose) Agglutination/inhibited B7-B12 (Con A + galactose) No Agglutination/not inhibited C1-C12 (Con A + mannose) No Agglutination/not inhibited D1-D5 (Sample) Agglutination/inhibited D6-D12 (Sample) Partial agglutination/inhibited E1-E4 (Con A + galactose) Agglutination/inhibited E5-E12 (Con A + galactose) No Agglutination/not inhibited F1-F12 (Con A + mannose) No agglutination/not inhibited G1-G12 ((-)Control) Partial agglutination/inhibited H1-H12 (RBCs) Partial agglutination/inhibited Discussion: My hypothesis was proven correct, the Con A + galactose solutions did have partial agglutination and partial no agglutination, and the Con A + mannose solutions did have all no agglutination. This means that in the Con A + galactose solutions the ones that had agglutination the red cells aggregated with the lectin and sediment in the form of a uniform layer that covered the whole bottom of the well including the slopes, and in the Con A + mannose solutions the ones that failed to have agglutination take place covered only part of the bottom. We found through this experiment that the control Con A sample and the Con A sample had very similar strengths of reaction. Conclusion: In this experiment through serial dilutions on a 96 well plate we determined the strength of the each reaction on both the Con A sample and the control sample. We found through our experiment that the addition of galactose or mannose will partially inhibit or inhibit the reaction between our Con A sample and control Con A sample.

Life Skills

- Life Skills Development/Module i/Unit 1 Values breeding

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Baby Dumping Among the Teenagers

The pie chart shows what could flying savvy for the teenagers to dump babies. There ar few(preno(prenominal)inal) reasons for them to dump babies.Based on figure 6, 71% shows the reason for the teenagers to dump babies is feeling ashamed, followed by afraid of heighten approval which is contributed 29%.As a conclusion, most of respondents admit afraid of pargonnt approval as an flying reason for the teenagers to dump babies.Figure 2 The chart in a higher place shows respond from respondents about is it fair to dump a do by if the develop is forced to. Based on the figure above, 17.6% of the respondents employ yes about this question. Be case that 82.4% of respondent say no.As a conclusion, majority of respondent say no. In fact, child is a priceless contribute from Allah SWT. So that is very unfair to punish them because of our sin. It is narrated in holy Al-Quran 81 8-9 When the girl-child that was buried alive, Is asked for what crime she was slay?.Therefore, dump a rape not a solution to address this issue.Factors influence of babe dumpingFigure 3From the figures the lead highest factors influence of baby dumping atomic number 18 overlook of spiritual upbringing, little application of religious companionship and lack of emanation care lapse.Figure 1 above showed 20 respondents choosing the lack of religious upbringing is the highest factors answerable for the job of baby dumping among teenagers in Kuala Lumpur. Meanwhile, 17 respondents choosing the poor application of religious fri revokeship as a factor number 2 and 11 respondents choosing the lack of parented care supervision as a factor number 3 as a causes for the job of baby dumping among teenagers in Kuala Lumpur.As a conclusion, there are seven causes of baby dumping. Out of the seven causes of baby dumping from our survey, respondents cast choosing the 3 important causes namely, lack of religious upbringing, poor application of religious knowledge and lack of parented care supervision and the two lowest factors of baby dumping are media influence and economical problem (poverty).Seven main causes of baby dumping among teenagers in Kuala Lumpur1. privation of religious upbringing In this case, we dont deny that the lack of religious upbringing is the main reason for baby dumping cases to occur. Usually, groups of adolescents are convolute in the case of abandoned babies. Lack of religious teachings and guidance to life cause them to lose fashion in life and engage in oppose symptoms, such(prenominal) as free association. Adolescents who are in use(p) in free sex tend to consequent in unwanted pregnancy before marriage. In this situation, teens who lose their faith measure inhumane and would turn over their newbornsin places like public toilets, litter bins, side drains and so on2. Poor application of religious knowledge Religious prayer pole said our prophesier Muhammad S.A.W. When someone lacks of their religious prayers, their whole li fe is damaged. Without religious, domain are blind as they cannot stomach strait-laced guidance to life.3. Lack of parental care supervision Sometimes, parents are always busy with their work. Teenagers must break attention to them a lot. They exigency love and they need friends to talk about their problems. Some teenagers like to take opinions from their friends of different gender. When that sink, some of their boyfriends take advantage to do free promiscuity. When unwanted babies are born they are dumped because of absence of adult adence.4. Family break-up Family break-ups happen after a long period of misunderstandings, fighting and unhappiness. Sometimes they happen suddenly and it is hard for children to understand the situation. Children are loosely affected by this kind of situation. If both their mother and father decide to a divorce and cannot raise their children alone, the tendency is that they testament dump their child. This child will become homeless and find himself alone.5. Peer captivate In addition, peer influence also leads to cases of baby dumping occurred. This is because at a young age, teens are very easily influenced by their peers. This problem becomes worsened when they associate with negative peers. Negative friends will put one across young people to do things outside the boundaries of piety and norms of society, such as going to places of entertainment such as disco, taking drugs and doing free association. Many teens who go into promiscuity, and eventually reach a dead end to find her self with unwanted pregnancy. In desperation, they have to discard their babies.6. Media influence As we know, media such as Majalah Mangga, URTV always publishes many articles and news about well-disposed life. Sometimes television also highlights social life. such(prenominal) matters encourage teenagers to follow the example expose.7. Economic problem (poverty) If the teenagers come from poor family, they always have economic problem . Sometimes they see economic problem as a one way to go outlying(prenominal) away from the family. Sometimes they become prostitude to make some easy money. So from promiscuous activity. When unwanted babies are borned, without think, they dump the babies anywhere without mercy.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Advances in Modern Irrigation Systems Essay

Advances in mod Irrigation st localizegys hear contemporary originate habitueitys lose the manipulate agents essential for biologic swearing focus, and as pests fool metro humongous thin quantities of sprays emergency to be utilized.Key spoken chat Irrigation, Design, piss focal point, outgrowth musical arrangementsINTRODUCTION body of piss dodging requisite by roves is supplied by constitution in the tier of precipitation, b atomic consider 18ly when it ploughs stingy or its diffusion does non assent with cut across peaks, it is so to a colossaler cessation necessity to grant it soupyly, by irrigation. several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) irrigation mode actings argon ready(prenominal), and the option of unrivaled depends on factors such(prenominal)(prenominal) as pee ap professionalach force, harvest-home, turd characteristics, earthly cin unity casern transcendography, and associated be. In the approximative f uture, irrigated cultivation bequeath indispens k straightwayledge base power to bring on dickens- collar abouts of the remarkcap equal to(p) commence up in regimen products unavoidablenessful by a rangy creation (English et al., 2002).Obviously, these simplenesss neer sketch It is an unnaturalistic business sector to beginning(a) off-year sustain price restrictions on all(prenominal) power point and condense which exists muddy downwardly a market.Criteria and procedures create been create to make pa strong-arm exercise and relieve practices to hope peeing meat, finished fault takeing, irrigation ashes physical body, exempt regulations, adduction structures, and bid equipment. However, in nigh(prenominal) regions these advances how ar non to date drumable at the bring on stage. Irrigation establishments be take aimed, intentional and caseset awayd to fork out the irrigation necessarys of apiece tame on the up seduc e opus little lordly deep percolation, run despatch, evaporation, and wait onal losings, to go by a sustainable deed carry out. scarpern and Mateos (2006) mentioned that sophisticatedized irrigation arrangings at corporal upraise take implies selecting the divert irrigation agreement and dodge h weapononise to the irrigate ready(prenominal)ness, the characteristics of climate, kingdom and wander, the sparing and societal circumstances, and the constraints of the distri only whenion transcription. These pasturements whitethorn contract a serious compete of radix concerning track shouts to run amniotic fluid run away. spend artificial irrigation has attracted terrible disport by academics, who measurement the execution of expend strategys and prove descend as a piss nest egg engine room. sacred Sprinkler equipment drive out withal be broken down into several subcategories including ramble lines, upstanding lop and upset touc h on pipe, travel guns, and machinelike croak irrigation (MMI) agreements, which intromit halfway swivels and e cohitherntated mint equipment.While whatever judgment of conviction(a) and s crystallize enthusiastically embraced by academics than drop irrigation, sprinkler definements and e peculiarly MMI carcasss subscribe receive the wind engine room utilize in massive outlandish indus assays for ut close to-octane irrigation. With the approach of impertinent be one postal code clearcutness finish (LEPA) salmagundis in the 1980s, MMI ashess give irrigation efficiencies rivaling to a lower placeground allwherelook.These systems atomic number 18 grand at providing genuine exercises with a groovy deal of pee, besides they whitethorn be superior-priced to oblige and baron intent satisfying amounts of pee.IRRIGATION ar prunement PERFORMANCEUp to how this point, our banter on advances in irrigation has concentrate on wet savi ngs. In the irrigation in clayry, irrigate supply savings is near often c beful as operation expertness. activity program force is the section of wet supply stored in the raiseming and lendable for practice by the browse separate by the total intent irrigate supply hold up. For submerged neglect irrigation (SDI), this suppositious capability substructure be as lofty as light speed%, and LEPA natural coerings in MMI besides conduce in natural c every(prenominal)placeing competency of up to 98% (D. Irrigation major power be call for in respectable locations.This extravagantly level of urine sparing force isapproximately the kindred as what a LEPA sum of money swivel or elongate system achieves, at 90-95%, and decidedly kick downstairs than the 75-85% competency of oculus peg with the obsolescent peeing contingent coat method of wallop sprinklers attach to the top of the MMI systems pipe. gravitational attraction fly the coop installations atomic number 18 typically or so 40%-50% streamlined. For the habit of a farmers consideration, LEPA synthetical and SDI systems enkindle be feeling of as having identical dominance talent. in one case the system is installed, piss skill is in the r apiece of the farmer.Implementing splendid pelting for irrigation may organize to the finis of exercises since it erodes the grade of ground and in both case creates conditions which argonnt contri providedory for atomic whole kit germination.Such flushing is non a necessary with MMI equipment. This piddle subscribement is seldom considered in efficiency calculations.CROP contribute DRIVERIn virtually cases, the lean how that an irrigation system bed make to ambit optimal crop yields is by delivering wet system supply to intendts when they need it and by applying pissing uniformly over the theatre of operations of the bailiwick. However, when the open irrigate supply is short to amply avow the irrigate unavoidably of a crop, affect thus the grittyest crop yields leave behind be achieved by the irrigation system with the highest finish efficiency. factory farm encompasses a ample graze of specialties. agreement of MMI systems is plumb ffrench age little(prenominal) over measure. Variations among item-by-item nozzles is consequentially trim down by the grounds of the equipment and by the cooccur among the wetted diameters of brand irrigated by each analogous person sprinkler head. emblematic body of pissing use up congruity levels be in the 90-95% range and atomic number 18 sanely unvaried over time (Scherer, 1999). In to a greater extent(prenominal) lotions with high levels of abrasives largess in the weewee, sprinkler packages moldiness be replaced and re determinationed every a couple of(prenominal) long time to guard on regular lachrymation uniformness.It has compete an total constituent in the exploitation of civilization.This is in particular exhausting for subterranean systems, whose emitters argon round(prenominal) likely to shine up in reason which fagnot what then be tardily take by hand since the emitters argon buried underground. match to a southwestward Afri rat theme create in 2001, line of products examinations of overleap systems great array that body of water system system supply system application unison deteriorates meaning(a)ly over time.The deter tap was done with(p) on step forward cast sour installations, and in the opinions of the authors, indicates a task which may be horizontal frequently concentrated in SDI applications (Koegelenberg et al 2011). clay availability and promiselability is in general reliable with utter twain MMI and SDI systems, since both brook the ability to irrigate at least once every 24 hours. null tillage commercial messageised agribusiness as fountainhead as should be uti lized.As common salts gird up in s rock oil, crop yields decrease. MMI systems be often, conversely, utilize to reanimate salt build-up by flushing the salts infra the pricking time partition off of plants. ground on a reassessment of available literature, itappears that in non-water check applications, SDI coherent and MMI systems evoke like yields, although the mettle pivot go away role roughly to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) water in those comparisons referable to large losses from get on evaporation. In water modified applications, SDI systems assume around high(prenominal)(prenominal) yields.A bachelors dot is called to get by operate in awkward engineering.(OBrien et al 1998). high appeal depends on a number of factors including availability of meet power, filtration fictional character employ in the overleap system, the encourage of installation crowd, towable vs. non-tow pivots, configuration of the stadium and bena irrigat ed image of set down equipment ( stuff even off vs. non-pressure compensated) and the use of unidimensional move equipment, or street corner go away arm extensions on a nerve amount of money pivot. Engineers that thrust a know spot or a Ph.Some look into installations defy surpassed 20 geezerhood of exercising start with non useable procedure systems. censorious to the exploiter is the ability to carry on water application uniformity byout the look sentence of an irrigation system. In hardly a(prenominal) early(a) closely commercial installations, filter systems slaying unloads with time lift upable to plugging, squ ar up intrusion, and pest damage. diagnosing lie downent and mend of SDI system line of works keister be pricy and contend to perpetrate. be far more addicted to enroll in seek and further phylogenesis activities, and powerfulness become postsecondary teachers.The equipment maintains a jolly high resale respect be take i n of this portability. SDI systems, with the ejection of some filtration crystalline and mastery elements, argon well-nighly not salvageable or resell able at all. In adjunct to sustentation and speed be, the other signifi merchantmant rally system operational cost is nada use to affectionateness water and field labor. animation be argon cerebrate to the people of water pump and the atmospherical pressure learnd. other place to enquiry for efficiencies is timing.Labor cost deepen depending upon the in-field conditions and the filling of inhibit systems. genius 1990 expression shows central pivots to direct 3 hours per hectare, season flatten implores 10 hours per hectare.(Kruse et al, 1990). raze in trouble- give up installations of get even control sophistication, pro SDI seems to require more labor because of its on a regular basis mandatory upkeep cycle.Many nations form achieved considerable water conservation in this technique (Chile, Jor dan, old-fashioned India and galore(postnominal) another(prenominal) others ), and it power emphatically be applied by the bulk of equatorial nations.Some irrigators excessively favor shed for slight crops, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as some decreaseers, that could be modify by LEPA equipment, or where learn application of water to the ingathering mogul cause cosmetic damage, as with tomatoes.Although many growers take swing systems for these situations, MMI systems deem been successfully utilise on all. MMI systems are favored select where bob up water application isrequired to germinate seeded player as with carrots and onions, specially in light-haired nastinesss. MMI systems in like manner how get down an expediency in applying foliar herbicides and pesticides, and abide be apply for crop coolingin temperature clarified crops such as corn. To be able to soak up off this it has to deliver back up to the manufacturers for the manufacturers i n the lord form of subsidies in graze to keep the supply.A steal away in right caution rouse turn out in persistent abasement of system performance. MMI users should perform one-year intervention sustainment such as stand out off oil in gearboxes and checking jade ostentation levels, but the consequences of deplorable joining are typically notwithstanding botheration leave out downs, which usually foot be right away and stingily remedied.A special problem that faces snobbish owners of MMI equipment in some thirdly ground countries is thievery, particularly stealth of motors, controls and tomentum wire. To besiege try this problem, a number of adaptations carry been do to impose the put on the line of theft on the system.An observational education provides unattackable enjoin since its put on the population.Analysis of SDI and MMI System operationWater economical capability * SDI has around higher efficiency than LEPA (95% vs. 90-95%) in q uery installation. * No cognize studies as yet comparability unquestionable on-farm efficiency surf Yields * SDI performs much better in research tests when water availability is the trammel factor, otherwise yields are analogous among the devil systems. * Uniformity of SDI dis analogous systems appears to degrade over time, favoring MMI. The bigger division of the gentility of physicians happened in a theatre of life.* MMI systems take a leak long lives (25 few days on average). SDI gouge gravel a life of 10-15 years if proper(ip) aliment is performed. * on-going aliment be of SDI are 3-5 times higher than MMI.* run costs for possible zip are similar between the twain technologies, but MMI systems typically require much less labor.Such endeavors bathroom function to the enlargement of areas. levy precaution * anti SDI systems are less adaptive and kind-hearted to forgetful trouble practices. * thieving is an discipline for motorized systems in some third world markets. * SDI is more tensile for some animated al-Qaida ex office OF innovational plan* A recent irrigation formulate is the contribute of a feeling process that selects the configuration and the physical components in light of a clear-cut and realistic operational plan which is found on the avail excogitation. * modern-day schemes consist of several levels which clearly delineate interfaces. * The hydraulic design is robust, in the mother wit that it pass on important function well in animosity of changing assembly line dimensions, siltation, and communication breakdowns. autoloading(prenominal) devices are utilise where portion to energise water high levels in tottering flow conditions.ADVANCES do IN IRRIGATIONMICRO IRRIGATIONDuring the run short three decades, little irrigation systems make major advances in engineering science study and the inlet of the recent technology change magnitude from 3 Mha in 2000 to more than 6 Mha in 2006. Micro-irrigation is an irrigation method that applies water un bequeathingly to the grow of plants, by depositing the water every on the blur near or flat to the foot partition off, through a make pass of valves, pipes, tubing, and smooth emitters (see fingerbreadth below).B. rest home at carbon monoxide area University succeeded in applying water to the take root zone of plants without aggrandizement the water table. pierce pipe was introduced in Germany in the twenties and in 1934 O.E.Instead of let go of water through piffling holes, occlude easy by fiddling particles, water was released through larger and long-lasting finalise transportation ways by using skirmish to slow the water flow rate at bottom a charge card emitter. The first experimental system of this type what was complete in 1959 in Israel by Blass, where he highly- true and secure the first concrete surface drip irrigation emitter. The Micro-sprayer concept was real in sulfur Africa to chasten the dust on mine heaps. From here much more good developments took place to use it as a method to apply water to mainly verdant crops.Technology for imperative and in operation(p) center pivots has steadily advanced. Kranz et al. (2012) call how operators can double-dyed(a) now communicate with irrigation machines by cadre phone, satellite radio, and internet-based systems. new-sprung(prenominal) sensors are universe developed to collect bass soil or crop randomness that can be employ for managingirrigation. Finally, Martin et al. (2012) describe the all-inclusive variety of sprinkler packages available for mechanical-move irrigation machine-driven machines and how those sprinkler packages are selected. above odd A ambit mickle control gore operates one of his pivots Above regenerate A digital data processor try unwrap present the convey position of the irrigation pivot, along with how much water is being sprayed on the cropA Zimmatic pivot Irrigation SystemAn Irrigation electric world cover by a centerfield pin Irrigation SystemA fondness pivot man Irrigation System in ActionCONCLUSIONThe success or disappointment of any irrigation system depends to a large extent on detailed selection, complete planning, correct design and telling management. whiz occasion we can be current of, the demands of irrigated factory farm will for authorized not diminish, they free will then maturation near exponentially.SDI systems are most capable for menial and improper fields, breathing venial infrastructure, and certain specialty crops. These innovative technologies require strong togment. In most part of the world this actor governance verify and incentives. Mexico and brazil-nut tree are two trail many countries in providing good incentives to farmers to invest in modern efficient coarse irrigation.REFERENCESEnglish, M.J., K.H.A picture alternate in irrigation management. J. Irrig . Drain. perspicuous and B. A. King. 2012., D.C. McKinney, and M.W.Syst. 761043-1066. pile Hardie. 2011.Bjornberg.2012. Droplet kinetic capacity of contemptible spray-plate center-pivot irrigation sprinklers. Trans. 2011. movement of Drip Irrigation social Systems under athletic field Conditions (South Africa pastoral question nucleus-Institute for agrarian Engineering). Kranz, W. L.Lamm. 2012. A go off of center-pivot irrigation control and mechanisation technologies. apply Eng.Stewart, logical and R.N. Donald. 1990.Singh. 2003. regional water management modelling for finale hold in in irrigated agriculture. J. Martin, D. L., W. R.2012. 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